August 6, 2008

Walk like that

My spin instructor approached me this morning in the middle of class. I was mid-sprint. She literally got off of her instructor bike in the front of the room to come over to me, quietly sprinting my little heart out in the back corner. She said, "Do you realize that your legs bow out when you sprint? I know you're a good rider, so it's odd. I was thinking, I don't think she walks like that, you know? I mean I've seen you walk. Right? You don't walk like that, do you?"

1 comment:

Marcos Salazar said...

Hey AO,

I wanted to email you, but it wasn't listed, so I had to leave a comment. My name is Marcos and I am owner of I am writing because I am about to start a blog roll on and wanted to know if you would interested in exchanging links? We get a fair number of DCers to visit the site each day and hopefully we can generate a bit more traffic for you and expose your blog to some new readers. => If you are interested just shoot me back an email.


Marcos Salazar