August 21, 2007

On a Break

Oh, this is hard. So I got a bike recently, and even more recently built up the courage to ride it through city traffic. So, for now at least, I am taking a break from the bus. I am also taking a break from drama, alcohol and sex.

These are all very extreme choices, I know. However, I don't propose that any of them are permanent. Or even completely under my control. Like if it snows, for example.

In any case, I was riding to work on my badass mountain bike (that's right, you heard me) when I felt a car approaching from behind at a really aggressive speed. I look over my shoulder and notice that it's a Z3. I am not impressed. So I continue, riding steadily along the right side of the road. He eventually passes me, all like "I'm the shit, get out of my way bike girl." I let him pass and watch as he speeds down 19th street.

Cut to five seconds later. Angry Z3 man is stuck behind a line of cars at the light. I pass him in my little makeshift bike lane. I give him a little smile. And I'm sure I made it to work before he did.

I still don't know why people have cars in this city.


SAILOR MOON said... something ive been trying to start as a way yo get fit and lose some extra pounds...i still havent gotten it. maybe next month i will... lets us know what other adventures happen on the bike

Tim said...

First, I have to say that I once thought about cheating on the 42, but didn't. Getting on the H1 just didn't feel right.

After I got my bike I guess I always cheat on the 42 by just biking. Mostly for liesure, and mostly near AM and Mt Pleasant and Dupont. It can be treacherous! I pretty much get by with a few rules. Make sure to stop at red lights and stop signs (sounds obvious, I know) and don't be afraid to actually ride in the street (keeps parked drivers from hitting you by opening thier doors). Oh yeah, always wear a helmet.

I wish permanent traffic jams on the Z3 guy too.