July 16, 2005

Wabi Sabi

Having only lived in my apartment for about six months now, I am still trying to find my own sense of style --- some sense of continuity amid the random college leftovers, arbitrary items from Pier One and presents from Mom. (Shout out to Mom… thanks for the Asian influence! Next entry explores my newfound interest in Buddhism.)

So in my search, I came across this new design trend. It's "the new Feng Shui" they say. And it's supposed to be simpler. Not as structured. And it’s called Wabi Sabi.

This Japanese philosophy celebrates the beauty of imperfection, and I think that's a fantastic idea. See that pile of laundry... it's really quite beautiful. That dirty plate in the sink. Gorgeous.

Ha, seriously, it is interesting, so I'm passing it on to all you interior designers. It sounds so nice to me... the concept of making your home a "peaceful" one, not necessarily trendy. But, I guess the philosophy is actually becoming trendy itself now. Damn media! Well, anyway, it's worth looking into. Plus it's really fun to say... WABI SABI!!!

For example:

Guest: "So where did you get that cool chair, I love it. It just screams humility."
You: "Wabi sabi! Ask no questions! Only WABI SABI!"

At which point you start loosing friends. Not only is your place a mess and full of dilapidated furniture which you call “antiques,” but now you’ve become obsessed.


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