July 9, 2007

Other Side of the Tracks

Today, I woke up, went to the gym, got ready for work and then grabbed my car keys. Yep, that's right, you heard me. I said CAR KEYS.

I wish I could say I owned a car, but, alas, it was only a rental. I drove it downtown to return it, sadly saying goodbye to my short stint of travel independence.

Interestingly, I drove down Connecticut, the very same route of the 42. I passed about a million buses, proving to myself that the 42 really is frickin' slow. But it was a positive moment. My windows were open. I bounced from 99.5 to 107.3 to 93.9 to 97.1 and back again. Yes, I am not afraid to admit I listen to soft rock. Anyway, I felt free --- unbound by the rules of bus.

It was bitter sweet though. I wanted to swerve in front of the 42 and say to my fellow passengers, "Get in! I have working air conditioning! And music! And an express route to your office! Revolt against the inconsistencies and poor quality of DC public transportation. Join me in this sexy Chevy Cobalt! Ok, now who's with me?"

Haha, everyone would be like, who's this freak show? They'd turn up their ipods. Pull the cord. Stop requested.

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