July 11, 2007

Summery Guy Opts for Corduroy

The bus was super crowded today, forcing me to stand. But it was all good. I turned up my Dreamgirls soundtrack and tapped my foot to the beat of "Patience," a song that instills its very name and makes the unnecessarily long commute seem short. And full of soul. Anyway...

I stood behind a man who, despite his outfit, seemed very "DC in the summertime." A) he resembled a frat boy, as many people in DC do (blah), and B) he was blond and nicely tanned. Despite his summer-like appearance, he was sporting a corduroy jacket. A brown corduroy jacket. And his shirt was buttoned all the way up, accessorized by a tightly-knotted necktie.

Now, I'm no fashion expert, nor do I really care about the latest trends, but corduroy? It's such a warm material! And it's 95 degrees out! This is crazy, I thought. Even if you have no other options in your closet, and you have an important client meeting today, surely just a dress shirt would be a better option. Then I thought, well, maybe he's not actually hot. But he was! Sweat was literally dripping down his entire head.

What motivates people to do what they do, I wonder. Crazy summery-looking corduroy guy, I feel bad for you, but that is your choice. I just hope you didn't pass out on your way to work today. Yikes.


Anonymous said...

yikes, indeed! and i am a fan of corduroy, really. a fascinating material. though there are few times for it in dc. and summer dc? no, no. i getting a bit warm simply thinking of this overly clothed and apparently confused man.

AO said...

aopa - you are right. fascinating material, but humid dc day, no no indeed. :)